My Sabbatical

I am so glad I decided to spend some time away from work on a mid-career sabbatical. It’s been a busy few months. My family and I completed an 11,000 mile road trip. I read a few books, and I remodeled much of our house.

It was a rewarding experience, and one I’d recommend it to anyone who wants to change directions or be more intentional about their career. The sabbatical gave me the perspective and mental space I needed to make big decisions on what I want to do and who I really want to be.

The rest of my career

I want to do the best work of my life. I want to work on my passion and for that work to define me.

I want to build companies that provide all stakeholders with unique value: great products and experiences for customers; engaging and rewarding careers for employees; outstanding returns for shareholders; and beautiful communities for everyone.

I believe that integrating stakeholder needs in a reciprocal, self-sustaining way creates business advantages and that a stakeholder-centric model leads to a purposeful and rewarding life.

What’s next

While I’m clear and determined about the type of life I want to build, I’m flexible on the substrate that supports it. I’m open to many opportunities, and haven’t decided on the industry, product, or role. I’m still through working the particulars that will make this identity and life possible.

I’ll spend the remainder of this year working up business plans, interviewing, and thinking about how to land the plane. I’m looking forward to big things ahead.

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